I sit. It's quiet. I happily type the words Chapter 1, and add a title for the section, that I know will likely change later. The first line takes a little time. Then the words come, as if they've been waiting to be found. I see the fifteen foot stone wall, and it's heavy wooden doors. I see the square, and begin to fill it with life. My protagonist sits watching. She's blissfully unaware of the journey I have in store for her. It's going to be a difficult one.
My fingers move across the keyboard. The words flow, then don't, then flow again. Reread. Rewrite. As the scene unfolds, I see it clearer. Faces emerge, sounds increase in volume, and there are smells in the air. Images of what is to come flood into my mind, but I push them back. It's not their time yet.
After three hours, I sit back. There doesn't appear to be very much on the page, but appearances can be deceiving. I smile. The new series has begun.
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