As I enjoy a little hiatus between the completion of The Presenting Saga and my next series (yes, I've nailed down a concept, and will start work on it soon), I'm catching up on some reading and a few TV shows. Tonight I was so blown away, yet again, by something that I have to mention it online because I think it deserves allot of mention wherever possible. Are you watching the current MasterChef Junior? If not, you should catch at least one episode, even if it's not your 'thing'. You will not believe these kids!

While you may find it as flabbergasting as me that 8 to 13 year olds can cook like this, amazingly it's not that part that has me blown away. In a time when it seems value is placed on cold ambition, and other reality shows seem to revere 'alliances' and sabotage aimed at eliminating the strongest competitor, these kids put their adult counterparts to shame. The kids from MasterChef Junior don't just cheer each other on, they help each other. When someone does well, they cheer for them, and when someone fails, they console and encourage them. That's not to say they don't each want to win, they clearly do, but they are competing under a concept that I sometimes feared was gone; winning because you've worked hard to become the best at the task measured (not for your ability to ruthlessly eliminate competitors better than you). What a wonderful concept, winning on merit instead of by default.
Kudos to those kids, and all the people in their lives who understand what it takes to build a great adult!