I guess I've gone a little blog silent for a while, but believe me I haven't been idle. The wheels are now in motion to get Presenting out in paperback. There is some cross border red tape to work out, which I won't bore you with, but I've seen the proof of the book and it looks great. I'm hoping to do some giveaways through some great book bloggers I've found by summertime. If that happens, I will announce it here.
As for book 2, it's coming along very well. Three quarters of the polish is done, and I'll likely start desiging the cover soon. This one may come out on Kindle and in paperback at the same time.
In the meantime I got my latest issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine, and my fangirl excitement is building for the upcoming season 3 opener of Game of Thrones, and the pilot of The Vampire Diaries spin off, The Originals. Love it!